
What is new at Naturmacht Productions?

Ofnus Valediction cover

Ofnus: New album “Valediction” is out now!

Release: 28.02.2025 (28th February)Merch: CD (limited A5-DigiPak / 4-Panel DigiPak), Shirt, Patch Ofnus return with their second full length record, a conceptual endeavour that weaves an audial narrative of...

Déhà - "Nethermost & Absolute Comfort" cover

Déhà: “Nethermost & Absolute Comfort” preorder!

Déhà welcomes you with “Nethermost & Absolute Comfort” to another funeral (doom album).Preorder and listen here! Release: 14.03.25 (14th March) “Nethermost & Absolute Comfort” is a 72minute album of...

Sammale Ikiharmaja cover

Sammale: New album “Ikiharmaja” (Evergrey) preorder!

Release: 28.03.2025 (28th March)Merch: CD (limited A5-DigiPak / Classic Jewelcase), Shirt, Longsleeve, Patch Zannibal’s (Marrasmieli, Paisaunt) Sammale returns with the project’s most ambitious and refined album yet, called “Ikiharmaja”...

Naturmacht Compilation 2024 (free)

Naturmacht Compilation 2024 (free)

The free Naturmacht Compilation is back! Listen to it here! I wish you a fulfilling 2025 and thank you for your support in 2024! Rob Back to News | All...

Wehmut - II: Winter cover

Wehmut: “II: Winter” now on CD!

During the winter of 2023, Wehmut collected thoughts, impressions and experiences to create a Post Black Metal record with the intent of capturing the overall vibe of said specific...

Dewfall - "Landhaskur" (NP183) cover

Dewfall: New Album “Landhaskur” out now!

Release: 29.11.24 (29th November) Landhaskur is an epic black metal opus with a folkloristic and medieval blend, narrating the forgotten myth of Winnili (the ancient population known as Longobards)...