It is with joy but also nervousness to announce that I will move and the label with me to the land of woods, lakes and metal!
I always felt like home there (I am 52% Scandinavian by genes) and it is my second home since 11 years (because of an awesome lady). So it is time for me to leave Germany and venture forth to the North (Lapland). For you guys the following things will change:
- The shipping will be outsourced to Spain. Reasons are a) that I can not handle the shipping myself anymore in a reasonable amount of time, as you noticed propably, so it is time to get help and b) Finnish shipping prices are aweful (especially regarding tracking and vinyl). Spain on the otherhand has very good rates and is sometimes even cheaper than Germany. A good friend of mine will help me and he is reliable and experienced in that matter.
- Prices: Unfortunately I have to raise the prices a bit and the VAT is higher in Finland (24%) than in Germany (19%). But no worries, it wont be much (1 CD will be for example 11 € incl. tax instead of 9,52 €), but I have to cover the higher costs which will kick in with the outsourcing. Also for my German supportes (Besten Dank an euch alle!!) it will be more expensive due to the higher shipping costs, sorry guys!
- Good side of this will be a way smoother and faster shipping experience for everybody. Also I will have more time to work on the releases and music, answer mails etc.. I think it is a neccesary step to maintain quality and also evolve in the future and with my bands.
VERY IMPORTANT: The outsourcing to Spain will happen in early November, my private moving in late November. All orders made until 28.10. will be shipped by me yet, after that everything will be sent as soon as the switch has been made. We are preparing as much as possible in beforehand, so it should not take to long anyway.
We will also overhaul the shop in mid/late December, so we will not have the recent problems and lags in 2020.
I want to once again thank you deeply Lads and Ladies for all the support, with out it none of this would be possible!! I will do my best, so this label shall always provide a win/win situation for everybody involved.
Cheers, Rob